Xtreme Plumbing and Septic of Pensacola, FL Ratings
About Xtreme Plumbing and Septic of Pensacola, FL
Each of us can face a problem that can be fixed only with the help of a professional plumber. You may have these problems at this moment, but you don’t know what plumber to choose. After surfing the Internet, you found different plumbers in your area. At the moment, you are on the info page of the following plumbing company – Xtreme Plumbing and Septic of Pensacola, FL in Cantonment, Florida. If you need to find more information about this company, please look through this page. It contains all contact information of Xtreme Plumbing and Septic of Pensacola, FL in Cantonment, Florida. You can find the company’s address, phone, map placement, its website or the website of its department in certain city. Also, here you may find the latest testimonials on this department, it’s average rating in Google Business and our Users’ rating. Also, if you don’t like or don’t want to contact Xtreme Plumbing and Septic of Pensacola, FL to solve your plumbing problems, you may fill out a simple form on our website and get free qoutes from local companies. We work only with trusted plumbers, they’ve earned their reputation after years of great experience. Just enter your ZIP code and wait for a solution!
Xtreme Plumbing and Septic of Pensacola, FL Working Hours & Phone & Addresses
Address: | 2611 S Hwy 29, Cantonment, FL 32533, United States | |
Phone: | 18509997800 | |
Website: | http://xtremepumpingandseptic.net | |
Department's Webpage: | http://xtremepumpingandseptic.net/ | |
Working Hours: | Sunday: Open 24 hours Monday: Open 24 hours Tuesday: Open 24 hours Wednesday: Open 24 hours Thursday: Open 24 hours Friday: Open 24 hours Saturday: Open 24 hours |
Latest Testimonials | |
Zhou Connie | Early February I called them for the business grease tank then the driver came late for the service , it's fine I payed right away . Couple days later we found out we had different problems inside the restaurant so I called them come to check it out and asked driver to call 30 minutes earlier cause I got to send the kids for school in the morning so can meet and find out .We been waiting for days Nobody knows when and what did they do, they just email me the statement and ask to pay for the same service as early February, and they send me the picture said their grease tank gets full in two weeks for small take out restaurant?so that means I have to pay the same service in 2 weeks?By the way,the first service didn't take the picture, cannot trust. The supervisor not doing anything to help , they will not helping you to find out the problems, they are professional to build the statement for you and email you every week. 595 is what you need to pay for the grease tank . never recommend!!! |
George Harris | HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! It was a late afternoon on a Friday just before the weekend and I couldn't have asked for a quicker response or more professional technicians to come to my house and save stress and anguish from having to deal with a septic system that needed pumped. I live almost in Jay, FL and they were here within an hour and done in less than that!!! The two technicians were very professional and I honestly enjoyed talking to them!! Don't call anyone else, just call XTREME PLUMBING AND SEPTIC!!!! |
Daniel Hua | Extreme pumping and septic did an amazing job installing a new grease intercepter at Egg Wits. They were fast and everything was done well. They took about 3 days to fully complete everything because of some of the rain but overall they did a good job. We will see how the work they did holds up over the years. Great company though. Good prices. |
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